Great that you choose Paddle Share; just read and accept the Terms and Conditions and you are ready for the paddling adventure.

Project: Paddle Share

Lessor: Peddelsport Vlaanderen vzw  

Enterprise Number: 0417934101  

Address: Blijde Inkomststraat 50, 3000 Leuven (Belgium)  

E-mail: info@paddleshare.be

Article 1. General provisions

1.1 The mentioned conditions apply to the rental agreement concluded between Paddle Share (Peddelsport Vlaanderen vzw; hereinafter referred to as ‘The Lessor’) on the one hand and the natural person identified in the reservation (hereinafter referred to as ‘The Lessee’) on the other hand.

1.2 The rental agreement is concluded for a fixed term. The duration of the rental agreement is specified in the reservation.

1.3 The Lessee is aware that there are risks associated with the use of rented materials (loss, theft, and damage to the material). Risks can in no case be claimed from the manufacturer of the material or The Lessor.

Article 2. Safety instructions

Your safety is very important to us. The Lessee declares that they have read the safety instructions via the following link. The Lessee agrees to wear the life jacket while paddling. The Lessee agrees to paddle at their own risk. The Lessee bears the full risk and responsibility for the material during the time it is made available to The Lessee.

Article 3. Booking conditions and cancellations

The Lessee has the possibility to modify their booking or receive a full refund or a gift voucher by cancelling or modifying the booking online with a notice period of 48 hours before the start of the activity. The Lessee can modify the booking by phone or online. The Lessee will receive a gift voucher in case of cancellation by The Lessor due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances. Changes and additions to reservations are only valid if there is written confirmation. Oral side agreements, even if made before the conclusion of this reservation, are not valid if they contradict the above provisions. In case of absence/no-show, the full price will be charged.

Article 4. Use of the material

This agreement pertains to the list of materials (vessels and water sports equipment + logistics, etc.) that can be reserved via the website www.paddleshare.be and the material needed to make Paddle Share possible (logistics, cart, box, locks, etc.). The material always remains the property of Peddelsport Vlaanderen. The material may be used at the location of the Paddle Share box by The Lessee or, with the consent of The Lessee and at their responsibility, by another person. The Lessee is responsible for ensuring that all users have read these conditions.

Article 5. Duration of the agreement

The Lessee can reserve the material only when it is still available.

 Article 6. Rent - deposit - late fees

The rent for the material is paid at the time of reservation. The Lessee is responsible for ensuring that the material is not damaged or lost. The Lessor has the right to charge a deposit in addition to the rent to cover any damage to or loss of the material. The Lessor will provide the deposit no later than 48 hours after the end of the rental period. The Lessor has the right to charge The Lessee’s credit card for damaged and/or lost material according to the current price list (see addendum). If it is not possible to charge The Lessee’s credit card, The Lessor is entitled to invoice The Lessee, which The Lessee must pay within 10 days of the invoice date.

Article 7. Picking up and returning material from paddle share box

The Lessee retrieves the material from the Paddle Share box (mobile or fixed). At the end of the session, The Lessee ensures that the material is returned to the Paddle Share box (mobile or fixed). The Lessee ensures that the digital lock is closed at all times as described in the step-by-step plan:(https://www.peddelsport.vlaanderen/waar-het-water-op/paddle-share/klantinformatie). The time of retrieving from and returning to the Paddle Share box is as specified in the reservation. It may be that someone is waiting for you to return your kayak/SUP at the agreed time. So please be aware that if you are late, it can ruin someone else’s paddling experience. Therefore, respect the return time! If you absolutely cannot return the kayak/SUP on time, please report this by phone using the number on your booking confirmation. By agreeing to these General Terms and Conditions, you agree that we will charge an additional fee of €50 to your card in addition to the extra rental costs according to our price list for the time you rent the kayak/SUP beyond the agreed time. At the end of the rental period, The Lessee must return the material to the place where it was picked up. Upon return, the material must be left in the same condition as it was picked up, except for normal wear and tear.

Article 8. The material: condition, maintenance & care

The Lessee is required to thoroughly inspect the material for any defects and/or damage to the material or theft when using it. If something is not in order, The Lessee must inform The Lessor within fifteen minutes (15 minutes). If the material is damaged and The Lessor is not informed, The Lessee must pay for the damage (see article 6). If there is notification, The Lessor will inform The Lessee of the measures to be taken. The Lessee is responsible for the proper maintenance of the material and must ensure that it is returned clean and in good condition (e.g., no water left in the cockpit, etc.). The Lessee ensures that the digital lock is closed. After using the material, The Lessee is required to immediately report any damage, defects, and/or theft of the material to The Lessor. The Lessor can access the material at any time.

Article 9. Insurance

- Civil liability: The Lessee bears the full risk and responsibility for the material during the time it is made available to The Lessee. In case of theft/damage/loss of (part of) the material, the cost will be charged to The Lessee.

- Personal accidents: The Lessee of Paddle Share also includes a specific day insurance, which is included in the price. The Special Conditions are described below.

Bijzondere voorwaarden huurder

Artikel 10. Aansprakelijkheid

Peddelsport Vlaanderen kan onder geen enkel beding aansprakelijk gesteld worden voor lichamelijk en/of geestelijk letsel, stoffelijke schade, diefstal of verlies berokkend aan De Huurder door huurders of derden, opgelopen voor, tijdens of na deelname aan de reservering bij Paddle Share.

Peddelsport Vlaanderen kan ook niet aansprakelijk gesteld worden voor het niet naleven door De Huurder van de veiligheidsvoorschriften en onderrichtingen door De Verhuurder gegeven.

Indien u niet kan zwemmen, kan u geen kajak/SUP huren bij Paddle Share.

Indien bij schadegeval of ongeval blijkt dat De Huurder onder invloed is van alcohol, drugs of zware medicatie, dan is De Huurder alleen en exclusief aansprakelijk voor de schade en/of het ongeval en alle gevolgen daaraan verbonden.

Minderjarige huurders (<18) mogen alleen met schriftelijke toestemming van ouder, voogd, of aangestelde begeleider, een kajak/SUP huren via Paddle Share.

In geval van diefstal of schade aan het materiaal veroorzaakt door een derde, is het de verantwoordelijkheid van De Huurder om aangifte te doen bij de politie van de plaats waar de diefstal/schade heeft plaatsgevonden en, zelfs in geval van een ongeval, gebruik maken van zijn eigen verzekering om vergoeding te verkrijgen van de door De Verhuurder aan De Huurder in rekening gebrachte kosten. De Verhuurder is in dergelijke gevallen niet aansprakelijk en zal de kosten aan De Huurder in rekening brengen conform deze Algemene Voorwaarden.

Artikel 11. Respect voor onze omgeving

Iedereen die een reservatie maakt bij Paddle Share en gaat peddelen hiervan dient het nodige respect op te brengen voor de natuur, de omgeving en alle bewoners. Huurders die deze regel niet respecteren kunnen door ons geweigerd worden bij een volgende reservatie.

Artikel 12. Toepasselijk recht.

Op alle door De Verhuurder gesloten overeenkomsten en/of verrichte handelingen is uitsluitend het Belgische recht van toepassing.



Hieronder vindt u een prijslijst van het materiaal dewelke u verschuldigd zou zijn aan Peddelsport Vlaanderen in geval van verlies of diefstal van het materiaal.   

Paddle Share box

Kabel: €20 per kabel

iLOQ-slot: €400


Single kajak: €600

Duo Kajak: €800

Peddel: €50

Dopje: €7

Luchtzakken: €25

Losse onderdelen (zitjes, bouten, handvaten,…) aan marktconforme nieuwprijs

In geval van schade

Wanneer er schade vastgesteld werd aan het materiaal – dwz niet aanvaard onder de noemer “normale gebruikersschade” – zullen de kosten op basis van bovenstaande tarieven doorgerekend worden aan De Huurder.